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Definitions 2019-10-22T08:47:27+00:00

Grant Definitions


The section of the tax code that defines nonprofit, charitable, tax-exempt organizations; 501(c)(3) organizations are further defined as public charities, private operating foundations, and private non-operating foundations. Highline College in not a 501(c)(3); the Highline College Foundation is a 501(c)(3).

Allowable expenses/costs

Expenditures under a grant that are specifically permitted (or not specifically prohibited).

AOR (Authorized Applicant)

This is the Authorized Organizational Representative on file with many funders including the federal government. This is the person authorized to submit the grants.


A listing of requirements, found in different state and federal laws, regulations, and executive orders that applicants agree in writing to observe as a condition of receiving funding.


The financial plan for the project or program that the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity approves during the Federal award process or in subsequent amendments to the Federal award. It may include the Federal and non-Federal share or only the Federal share, as determined by the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity.

Budget Narrative

A written description of the purpose and source of each expense, including (where applicable), the unit cost, number of units and related computations.

Budget Period

A period of time for which a budget is prepared and used. Defined by the funder.

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number

The identification number assigned to a Federal program.

Cooperative Agreement

A financial assistance mechanism (grant) used when substantial Federal programmatic involvement with the recipient is anticipated by the funding agency during performance of the project. The nature of that involvement will always be specified in the offering or application guidance materials.

Cost Sharing or Matching

The portion of project costs not paid by Federal funds (unless otherwise authorized by Federal statute). See also §200.306 Cost sharing or matching of the OMB Uniform Grant Guidance.

Direct Costs

Cost items directly related to producing the end project or providing services specified in the grant or contract. Categories of direct costs include labor, other direct costs, indirect costs, overhead costs, travel, communication, equipment and general and administrative costs.

DUNS Number

Data Universal Numbering System. The nine-digit number established and assigned by Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. (D&B) to uniquely identify entities. A non-Federal entity is required to have a DUNS number in order to apply for, receive, and report on a Federal award.


Fastlane is an interactive real-time system used to conduct National Science Foundation (NSF) business over the Internet.

Fiscal Year

A twelve month period for which an organization plans the use of its funds; for the federal government, the fiscal years runs from October 1 through September 30; for the State of Washington, the fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30. The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends (example: in Washington FY 17 runs from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017).

Fringe Benefits

Employee benefits paid by the employer, such as FICA, Worker’s Compensation, Withholding Tax, Insurance, etc.)


Full-time equivalent (FTE) or whole time equivalent (WTE) is a unit that indicates the workload of an employed person (or student) in a way that makes workloads or class loads comparable across various contexts. FTE is often used to measure a worker’s or student’s involvement in a project, or to track cost reductions in an organization.

Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)

A publicly available document by which a federal agency makes known its intentions to award discretionary grants or cooperative agreements, usually as a result of competition for funds. Funding opportunity announcements may be known as program announcements, notices of funding availability, solicitations, or other names depending on the agency and type of program.

Funding Priorities

Specific elements that applicants are asked to address or certain conditions that must exist for applicants to be eligible for a certain grant. There are two kinds of priorities for which additional scoring points may be received: (1) Absolute Priorities— applicants must address these in order to be considered for funding; and (2) Competitive Priorities— applicants have the option of choosing whether or not to address these. An Invitational Priority encourages but does not require applicants to respond and does not offer competitive or absolute preference over other applicants.


An award from a funding source which provides financial or other resources in order to implement solutions to pressing needs. Generally does not need to be repaid.

Grant Award Notification (GAN)

A federal term for the official document signed by a program official who is authorized to obligate the agency in financial matters.


Website used by all federal agencies for grant management purposes.


Institution of Higher Education such as college or university.

In-kind contribution

A contribution of equipment, supplies, or other tangible resource, as distinguished from a monetary grant. Some corporate contributors may also donate the use of space or staff time as an in-kind contribution.

Indirect costs

Costs incurred for an organization’s operating expenses (e.g., utility bills, janitorial services, etc.) which cannot be readily and specifically identified with a particular grant project.

Indirect Cost Rate

The percentage a grantee uses in computing the dollar amount it charges to the grant to reimburse itself for indirect costs of a grant project.

Intent to Apply

See Letter of Intent.


Local Education Agency; a school district or regional educational service agency.

Letter of Intent

To help in planning the application review process, many funders request a letter of intent from the applicant in advance of the application deadline. Letters of intent can be either mandatory or not. This is specified in the funding announcement package.


Can contain multiple components including Statement of Need, Project Description and organizational information. Funders generally spell out what is to be included.

Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)

See Funding Opportunity Announcement.

Principal Investigator (PI)

The person responsible for fulfilling the terms and conditions of the grant or contract. Sometimes, the terms “project director” and “principal investigator” are used interchangeably.


Provides grants management for the research community. Research.gov will become the replacement for FastLane, providing quick access to research information and grants management services in one location.

Request for Proposals (RFP)

When the government issues a new contract or grant program, it releases an RFP that lists project specifications and application procedures.


Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges is a nine-member governor-appointed board that advocates, coordinates and directs Washington state’s system of 34 public community and technical colleges.


The receiver of pass through grant funds from a grantee rather than from the grantor. The sub-grantee is required to follow all the policies and rules of the original grant plus any additional conditions added by the grantee.