Highline College

Connect with Highline College


Marketing 2024-04-16T14:36:38+00:00


The Marketing Department oversees the marketing and design needs of the college. This includes:

Our staff is here to help you with various tasks and projects, including publicity, promotions, public information and campus publications. We periodically review our websites and publications to ensure proper branding and consistency.

Media Release and Clearance Form

If you are using a photo, video and/or words of students, be sure to have them sign a Media Release and Clearance Form:

*Communications & Marketing will receive record of the students who have signed this digital media release and clearance form.

Promote Your Event on the Highline Event Calendar

Submit a Calendar Posting Request form to promote your event.

Work With the Media

If a member of the media contacts you, email Jess Underwood. For more information, please visit our Newsroom.