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Business Cards

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Business Cards 2020-01-27T11:01:59+00:00

Business Cards

If you would like to order new business cards or reorder existing ones, send an email to your division contact.

Order and Delivery Information

Business cards are ordered on Tuesdays and Wednesdays only and orders must be submitted to Print Services before 4:00 p.m. or additional charges will be added to the cost. Production and delivery is usually two to three days after an order is sent to Print Services. Allow extra time if you have a special order, such as double sided cards, or cards in a different language.

Include the following in your request:

  • Name
  • Title
  • Department
  • Email
  • Department URL (Optional)
  • Office No.
  • Fax No.
  • Cell (Optional)
  • Mail Stop
  • Quantity
  • Do you want to see the proof?

Business Card Price List

Standard card (color, printed one side)
100 cards: $20.00
200 cards: $34.00
300 cards: $42.00
400 cards: $43.50
500 cards: $45.00
1,000 cards: $65.00

Two sided card
100 cards: $32.00
200 cards: $52.00
300 cards: $60.00
400 cards: $64.50
500 cards: $68.00
1,000 cards: $85.00

Division Contacts for Business Card Ordering

Academic AffairsCarrie Davidsoncdavidson@highline.edu
Access Services, ACHIEVE and Community and Employment ServicesMary Howlandmhowland@highline.edu
Administrative ServicesFrancesca Fenderffender@highline.edu
Building 11Marsa Mairmmair@highline.edu
Building 15 Rayna Youngryoung@highline.edu
Building 16Donna Weberdweber@highline.edu
Building 18Lauri Spiveylspivey@highline.edu
Building 19Indira Hazbicihazbic@highline.edu
Building 26 2nd FloorChrystell Lempkeclempke@highline.edu
Building 26 3rd FloorPatty Von Behrenpvonbehren@highline.edu
Building 29Dianne Lonsberydlonsbery@highline.edu
Building 29Linda Quicklquick@highline.edu
Community Education & Training ServicesLinda Michaellmichael@highline.edu
Continuing EducationDarcy Isgrodisgro@highline.edu
Institutional AdvancementMelissa Sellmsell@highline.edu
Instructional ResourcesAlla Chikhachikh@highline.edu
Prof-Tech and Workforce Education ServicesRickitia Reidrreid@highline.edu
Procurement Technical Assistance Center, Small Business Development Center, Center for Excellence and StartZoneCarolyn Sinaycsinay@highline.edu
Student ServicesDena Dillonddillon@highline.edu